certainly certainly怎么读语音

热点排行2022-10-17 13:44:29


Autumn Adjectives SPLENDID You can use this vocabulary word to describe a lot of different things, but it certainly applies to the brilliant colo

certainly certainly怎么读语音

英国人开始为冬天取暖囤积木柴预计今冬平均每户英国家庭用木柴取暖花费约4800元【英媒:今冬或更多英国人生火取暖 英国人开始为冬天取暖囤木柴】据英国《每日电讯报》日前报道,英国最大的木柴供应商Certainly Wood总经理尼克·斯内尔表示,英国民众现在已经开始囤积木柴以满足今年冬天的取暖需

twitter mosaic:@TheEconomist 20221015Credit-default swaps are an unfairly maligned derivativeThere will almost certainly be jitters as more use is m

原著句中记单词:I reckon(估计) you dol I just reckon you certainly ought to, Mister Brannon—being as youre one yourself.“我就知道你喜欢!我就知道你肯定会喜欢,布瑞农先生——因为你本人就是一个

【智慧无处不在,你能发现吗?】Once there was a great Sufi saint. In his last days, someone asked him about his master. Saint said, “Since you asked I will certainly

每日一字:实:。实字是会意字。房屋屋内有“贯(钱财)”,以货物充于屋下。本义:财物粮食充足,富有,充实[prosperous;well-to-do;well-off]。如《商君书·去强》:“仓、府两实,国强。”又作果实、种子[fruⅰt],如鲍照《梅花落》:“念其霜中能作花,露中能作实。” 又引申

whodunit英 [huːˈdʌnɪt] 美 [ˌhuːˈdʌnɪt]n. 侦探小说仔细看,有个who貌似很熟悉是吧。如果继续向下看,看下词源,你会恍然大悟whodunit (n.)murder mystery, 1930, U.S. slang, originally a se

摘抄自《英语简短会话1000例》字幕之六:……你有时间吗?/—No, I am busy today. 没有,我今天很忙。116. Hold on a second. 稍等/—Certainly. 行。117. Drive faster! 开快点!/—Its agaist the law. 这是违

每日一词——第105slavish 英 [ˈsleɪvɪʃ] 美 [ˈslevɪʃ]adj① (ADJ-GRADED) 刻板模仿的;毫无创意的;照搬的 You use slavish to describe things that copy or imitate something exa

英媒:英国情报称“俄军正在从仓库中拉出旧式坦克应战”英国天空新闻(Sky News)官网5月27日报道:英国国防部(MoD)认为,俄罗斯缺乏现代化的、可供作战使用的装备,因此已经从深藏在仓库中的50年前的坦克找出来参战(图2)。报道说,英国表示,俄羅斯已经拉出T-62战斗坦克(图3),以支持

TAG: 语音   certainly