本人已阅读全部申请材料 信用卡 本人已阅读全部

信用卡测评2022-02-15 06:05:25


I have read the relevant information of all application information understood and the credit card products, are willing to abide by the rules of contract.

本人已阅读全部申请材料 信用卡 本人已阅读全部

信用卡 本人已阅读全部

I have read the relevant information of all application information understood and the credit card products, are willing to abide by the rules of contract.

1. 稿费发放 任何一位签约作家的稿酬满200元人民币即可申请结算. 结算规律是:. 账户已挂失、已销户、已作废、账户欠费、账户为休眠户、所提供的银行卡是信用卡(.



I have read the relevant information of all application information understood and the credit card products, are willing to abide by the rules of contract.


这是在申请信用卡时,申请表最后需要客户签字确认的一段话.如果我没猜错,这好像是工行的套话. 其目的是在于,让客户确认在申办前了解并阅读了信用卡使用的有关规定,由客户签字后,以后可避免出现纠纷.


I have read the relevant information of all application information understood and the credit card products, are willing to abide by the rules of contract.

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