undeserving undeserved

保险测评2022-06-18 04:52:33


undeserving 先确定词性是adj. 那它就有一般形容词的用法 比如说this news is undeserving of attention. it is undeserving of him to catch the bus i found it undeserving to wash.

vt应受,应得 vi应收报答,值得奖赏或惩罚 两种皆可按语境判断搭 配 deserve doing . and deservedly so. deserving. adj. 值得的,应得的. ~ of sth .OPP : undeserving . to .

没有 你可能看错了 有undeservedly(不值得地)副词 undeserved(不值得的) 形容词 undeserving(不值得) 名词

undeserving undeserved


Forgets in undeserved kindness


没有 你可能看错了 有undeservedly(不值得地)副词 undeserved(不值得的) 形容词 undeserving(不值得) 名词


The two violas start the first movement ,with a vigorous subject in close canon and as . the other instruments are gradually drawn into the seemingly uninterrupted steady flow .

uninterrupted 过去分词做状语的

纞liàn 在汉语中是“不断”的意思.英语“不断”:一、动作:1. on and on 2. . uninterrupted; continual; continuous; constant 三、副词(不断地) unceasingly; steadily .

undeserving poor

dark [dɑ:k] 不同 poor [puə] 和 sure [ʃuə] 相同

前提:日语或者韩语不好的话,我劝你别进.是日本和韩国的网站: 杂: user.chollian/~nkine82 ayoyoyo.pooroo/ nox.new21/ redviolrt2/ 叛逆的鲁鲁修: .

undeserving 先确定词性是adj. 那它就有一般形容词的用法 比如说this news is undeserving of attention. it is undeserving of him to catch the bus i found it undeserving to wash.


n. 集中;专心;浓度 一、读音:英 [ˌkɒnsen'treɪʃən] ,美 [ˌkɒnsen'treɪʃən] 二、例句 The tennis players need total concentration during play.网球运动员在比赛.

最低抑菌浓度MIC是minimum inhibitory concentration缩写,指最低抑菌浓度,最低抑菌浓度是测量抗菌药物的抗菌活性大小的一个指标,指在体外培养细菌18至24小时后.

ph值是衡量水体酸碱度的一个值,亦称氢离子浓度指数、酸碱值,是溶液中氢离子活. 氢离子浓度指数(hydrogen ion concentration)是指溶液中氢离子的总数和总物质的.

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