英语不好的缺点英语作文 英语水平不好的弊端

问答2022-06-06 04:30:26


Advantages:bring happiness;good company;even can talk with people.Disadvantages:noisy;dirty;may hurt.

原创~~累死了~~ Travel is of my favorite activities in my life. Yet I can still remember the very first ti.

My Strengths and Weaknesses It's important to know our goodness and badness because it can help us t.

英语不好的缺点英语作文 英语水平不好的弊端


Learning English just like learning any other language, is hard work so my first advice is to spend much time practicing using English every day. Besides, we should listen to .

原创~~累死了~~Travel is of my favorite activities in my life. Yet I can still remember the very first time when I go by aeroplane, which I consider to be an totally awful experience.

I'm hard-working in the school and I always get good grades.I love my mather very much but I'm afraid of her sometimes.My mother is a teacher in the university.She is hard-.


事实上,我的英语水平并不好,反而有点差 In fact, my English is not good, but there is a difference 事实上,我的英语水平并不好,反而有点差 I.

对于中国人而言,缺点应该就是你学起来比较费力撒 不能这么说 它是一种语言 就像我如果问你汉语有什么缺点 你也说不上来

62楼 缺点:书写和发音不一致(有多种原因,主要是使用了借用字母以及借用大量外来词) 违背原始印欧语的发音习惯——清辅音元音前不送气,元音后送气 有世界语言中较为罕见的卷舌儿化韵(作为地道的北方人,我.


My English is so, so bad But I am not very bad Because they did not teach me good As they should and.

原创~~累死了~~Travel is of my favorite activities in my life. Yet I can still remember the. and in the end the plane successfully made me to shoot my poor burger! So I dared .

Today is a sunny day . Father, mother and I go to the Beijing Wild Animals Zoo. First, we go to see.



advantage优点 disadvantage缺点

62楼 缺点:书写和发音不一致(有多种原因,主要是使用了借用字母以及借用大量外来词) 违背原始印欧语的发音习惯——清辅音元音前不送气,元音后送气 有世界语言.

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