给看看的英语怎么写 给我看看英语 怎么写

基金知识2022-02-09 23:17:54


很高兴回答你的问题,以下是我个人见解,希望可以帮到你:给我看看用英语是这么说的:Let me have a look.望采纳,谢谢.祝你学习进步.

let me see

答案是 ;show . to .

给看看的英语怎么写 给我看看英语 怎么写

给我看看英语 怎么写

Please show me the menu. 请给我看看菜单.I'd like to see the menu, please 请让我看看菜单.Show the menu to me, please.

Please let me see the basket.回答完毕,望采纳,谢谢.

let me see


Give you much.

give you some color see see!! 给你点颜色看看 当然这是典型的中国式英语. 地道的英语: watch yourself.

给你点颜色看看give you some color to see意思是i`ll teach/give you a lesson 我要教训你一顿 满意请采纳,谢谢


give you some color see see!! 给你点颜色看看 当然这是典型的中国式英语. 地道的英语: watch yourself.

Give you much.

给你点颜色看看give you some color to see意思是i`ll teach/give you a lesson 我要教训你一顿 满意请采纳,谢谢


"Give him some color to see see" 例句1.给他点颜色看看.Teach him a lesson.

口语是 I am gonna kick ur ass

give you some color see see!! 给你点颜色看看 当然这是典型的中国式英语. 地道的英语: watch yourself.

TAG: 英语   给我