美国花旗银行英文全称 美国英文全称

保险知识2022-11-11 18:47:36



因为CITIBANK是美国最有影响力的银行,所以中文翻译就用了美国国旗“花旗”来作为中文译名,意思是该银行是美国银行界的一面旗帜.全称是第一花旗银行(Citi Bank,FSB).

Citibank is a major international bank, founded in 1812 as the City Bank of New York, later First National City Bank of New York. Citibank is now the consumer and corporate banking arm of financial services giant Citigroup, one of the largest companies in the world. As of March 2007, it is the largest bank in the United States by holdings.[1] Citibank has operations in more than 100 countries and territories around the world. More than half of its 1,400 offices .

美国花旗银行英文全称 美国英文全称



因为CITIBANK是美国最有影响力的银行,所以中文翻译就用了美国国旗“花旗”来作为中文译名,意思是该银行是美国银行界的一面旗帜.全称是第一花旗银行(Citi Bank,FSB).

Citibank is a major international bank, founded in 1812 as the City Bank of New York, later First National City Bank of New York. Citibank is now the consumer and corporate banking arm of financial services giant Citigroup, one of the largest companies in the world. As of March 2007, it is the largest bank in the United States by holdings.[1] Citibank has operations in more than 100 countries and territories around the world. More than half of its 1,400 offices .


the United States of America

美利坚合众国(The United States of America).

美利坚合众国”是美国国名的全称.美国之所以叫“美利坚合众国”原因如下: 国名释义: 美利坚合众国)简称美国(U.S.A.).美国因洲名而得名.在英语中,亚美利加 和美利坚为同一词“America”,只是汉译不同,前者指全美洲,后者指美国.



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.. baike.baidu/view/35354.htm



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