大学生应该如何理财 大学生应该如何理财英文

保险知识2021-10-07 12:54:09



如果是生活费,还是存到银行里保险. 如果是自己打工赚的钱,少的话也是放在银行里,多的话可以考虑以下投资 1.买基金,(是辛苦钱的话就不要了,损失的话会让你后悔的) 2.可以租房,然后转租,我上学时有人在做,收入不少 3.在网上开个店,你喜欢和了解的产品,以防受骗 4.去买有用的书,学习能让你得到最大的回报

我刚毕业 感觉没有太大压力 就是计算好每个月的收入和支出 就好 每个月要有结余 留点零花嘛 其实我身边的同学都攒不下钱的 不挣钱就不知道省着花 要是男生交女朋友了 就是月光族了. 要是有心的话 可以攒下一些钱 买点基金股票 自己挣第一桶金.

大学生应该如何理财 大学生应该如何理财英文


With the fast economic development, people have their living standard improved. A lot. Set a fixed amount of money every day. 我认为大学生应该学会理财,因为理财可以给.

The question you ask is just like last year`s CET4`s article.My answer: In university we have choices to choose the lessons we like,and it`s called elective.Many students have .

How to manage money matters? How to make money (savings) appreciate?? That's a question for me,and i want to have the best answer in the shortest time. Even though i .






With the fast economic development, people have their living standard improved. A lot. Set a fixed amount of money every day. 我认为大学生应该学会理财,因为理财可以给.

How to manage money matters? How to make money (savings) appreciate?? That's a question for me,and i want to have the best answer in the shortest time. Even though i .

The question you ask is just like last year`s CET4`s article.My answer: In university we have choices to choose the lessons we like,and it`s called elective.Many students have .


With the fast economic development, people have their living standard improved. A lot. Set a fixed amount of money every day. 我认为大学生应该学会理财,因为理财可以给.

The question you ask is just like last year`s CET4`s article.My answer: In university we have choices to choose the lessons we like,and it`s called elective.Many students have .

How to manage money matters? How to make money (savings) appreciate?? That's a question for me,and i want to have the best answer in the shortest time. Even though i .

TAG: 大学生   英文